------Coming soon------ |
2025.3.4-8 | Hong Kong International Jewellery Show Our agent Double Technology Ltd will be exhibiting at |
------Past exhibitions------ |
Since our founding in 1965, we have developed jewelry making machinery such as casting machines, furnaces,
and laser engraving machines. We sell our products both at home in Japan and internationally.
We don't just sell machines, we also manufacture them, meaning we have the experience and knowledge to help you with all aspects of jewelry making.
As a manufacturer
Starting from casting-related equipment, and moving onto laser technology, we go from the concept, move to the design, and then assemble our equipment all in-house.
As an agent
We are also the Japanese agent for Solidscape and Orotig. Our technicians are trained and certified to provide technical support for all of those products.

- We started producing machinery for making jewelry over half a century ago. We started as craftsmen in a small workshop, and we made machines famous for their quality that have been sold to every corner of the world.
In Japan, details are always most important. The pattern on the kimono, or the fold of origami; - these thoughts go into our machines, so that the works that come out of them maintain this attention to detail, this obsession with quality.
As the jewelry world moves from mass production to making unique works of art, our machines will continue to support the artists and craftsmen with their creations. Professional operators can use our machines exactly the way they want to, and newer operators can begin to become virtuosos with us.
Harumi Tanabe
1-9-14 Fukasawa, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo, Japan
Tel. +81-3-3704-3044
1-9-14 Fukasawa, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo, Japan
Tel. +81-3-3704-3044